Thanks to emergency birth control (EBC) methods, women can still prevent unwanted pregnancies even after a few days of having unprotected sexual intercourse. Unlike the regular birth control methods, EBC is only recommended for emergency use only. Also, EBC cannot cause abortion or trigger miscarriage. In this article, the author cites and expounds on the two common types of emergency birth control methods.
One of the most popular forms of birth control methods today is Emergency Birth Control (EBC). EBC basically refers to the various methods of preventing conception that is meant to work after unprotected sexual intercourse. This type of birth control is meant for emergency purposes only. Therefore, this is not recommended for women who have active sex lives.
It is known that pregnancy or conception involves a biological process that takes place for a number of days. Hence, pregnancy can still be prevented even after having unprotected sex, and this is where EBC methods come in handy. This should not, however, be likened or associated with abortion, for any EBC method does not cause miscarriage; these are merely forms of pregnancy preventive measures.
There are two kinds of emergency birth control methods available today: the EBC pills and the Copper-T Intrauterine Device (IUD).
- EBC Pills EBC pills are generally the same birth control medications as the conventional contraception pills prescribed by health practitioners and gynecologists when it comes to forms and how they work. These are, however, taken in higher dosages compared to the regular pills. EBC pills are also not the same with the so-called French abortion pill, for EBC cannot cause miscarriage. Just like the conventional birth control pills, EBC pills also come in two forms; the progestin and estrogen combination pill and the other one is the progestin-only pill. Comparing the two types of EBC pills, the progestin-only pills are more efficient and have lesser side effects, thus, making them an ideal choice for an emergency birth control. EBC pill is among the most recommended type of emergency birth control due to its high efficiency rate. Most EBC pill brands are also specifically developed and packaged to maximize effectiveness and reduce side effects. Since EBC pills are highly regarded for their efficiency, recent US statistics show that these forms of contraception pills can prevent almost two million unwanted pregnancies and more than 500,000 cases of abortions each year. However, take note that EBC pills should not be taken in place of regular contraception pills. The regular birth control pills are more effective and cheaper than the EBC pills.
- Copper-T Intrauterine Device (IUD) The Copper- T IUD is known to be an efficient form of emergency birth control, for this can prevent conception by over 99 percent. This can also be used even after five days marking the unprotected intercourse. Upon deciding to use this kind of emergency birth control method, one should consult a clinician or a gynecologist to have the IUD inserted. Despite the high efficiency rate of IUD, there are some health risks and complications involved in this procedure, including infertility and inflammatory diseases. Fortunately, such complications are manageable when, of course, consulted and treated with a gynecologist or a specialized health practitioner. In addition to IUD’s high efficiency rate, this form of EBC can also provide protection for up to 10 years, thus, securing a safe and active sexual life for women who adhere to use IUD. However, most doctors still recommend EBC pills than the IUD, for convenience, safety, and affordability concerns.